
The Year of the Tiger...You bet it is!

Boy, between Tiger, Jesse and every reality TV show that has multiple lovers optioning to seek and destroy the competition, what were we expecting to happen? HBO’s “Big Love” is giving guys a second look at the fun side of multiple wives and revisiting Mitt Romney’s chances to rise to the occasion.
A scorned wife in this mix is basically the boring side of the headlines except when it’s time to divide up the dough. I think cozying up to a cold gold Oscar statue is a better option. At least you know when you’re out of town, he’s still sitting on your nightstand waiting for your grateful return.
Our obsession with anyone’s sex life besides our own has grown in epic proportions these days. Once we learn of a gossip leak in the secret lives of our beloved celebrities, obsession rears it ugly head and it’s let the games begin. Every media outlet known to mankind is all over it in seconds. You can’t escape its choking grip anywhere. Everyone is forced to have an opinion even if you don’t care it enters your brain and demands you to. Don’t kid yourself if you think even the Amish aren’t making judgmental “Tiger-eye” signals to each other while making the Old’ Shoo Fly pie!
Is the Spanish Inquisition back and stronger than ever?
Did it ever really leave? Was Monty Python right “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.” It’s every tabloid TV talk show panel on every network everyday, every hour. Are they putting on the robes of cardinal red with the big hats again sitting in judgment until we collapse from exhaustion? Is Joy Behar ready to take the helm and fight the cause? Seems so.
The television coverage of these scandals is so relentless and without relief. Just to get a break requires to watch repeating episodes of Golden Girls for a healthy de-programming.
Sex Scandals are dividing up even the political parties with the agendas base on titillation not on party views. I noticed that liberal women seem to be more enraged by these guys and their cheating ways then other women. Conservative gals are probably just used to it. Men don’t really care. They pretend to so all women don’t hate them or hold out! Men would like golf better if there was a hooker at every hole and Tiger does each one twice during the Masters. Golf might be more interesting especially to guy fans. Trust me ESPN, in a perfect man’s world, would be more successful if it were co-hosted by Jenna Jameson. That’s just men. Women golfers and their fans are a totally different whole in one!
I just heard of a famous skating team getting ready to get married when a friend of the bride happened to mention the grooms STD prior to the big day. This was followed by a pattern we’ve become all too familiar with now, a passed and present trail of “Ladies” with his gift that kept on giving. It’s almost boring if he’s a mistress free groom. The soon to be “ex” bride was also blessed with the notorious STD and canceled the big day when honey buns current posse became exposed. She slapped the skates back on and figure-eighted herself to the pharmacy and remains in the single life for now.
What happens now? Will an earthquake shift our attention elsewhere? How about moving our focus straight to “Vatican City” and look at something a little more terrifying than a cheating biker dude who goes commando.
Save the children!